I had my second cataract operation Thursday afternoon. It took 30 mins and so was longer than the previous one. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it wasn't painful - it was just uncomfortable due to the digging around. I've been back to the hospital for a pressure check and everything is going well - Praise God. I decided to write this today as it's all fresh in my head. At the start of the year I went for prayer for my eyesight. During the time of prayer, I felt God tell me that I would have to have both operations so I could make a difference. So I could share his love with someone. He showed me that someone would ask what my job was and guess what....that happened just moment before the operation! When you are prepped for surgery you go into a side room with a nurse. My nurse was called Julie, Jules. She was lovely and kept me calm by chatting away to me. She asked me the question, "So what do you do when you are not attending hospital for cat...