

I had my second cataract operation Thursday afternoon. It took 30 mins and so was longer than the previous one. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it wasn't painful - it was just uncomfortable due to the digging around. I've been back to the hospital for a pressure check and everything is going well - Praise God.  I decided to write this today as it's all fresh in my head. At the start of the year I went for prayer for my eyesight. During the time of prayer, I felt God tell me that I would have to have both operations so I could make a difference. So I could share his love with someone. He showed me that someone would ask what my job was and guess what....that happened just moment before the operation! When you are prepped for surgery you go into a side room with a nurse. My nurse  was called Julie, Jules.  She was lovely and kept me calm by chatting away to me. She asked me the question, "So what do you do when you are not attending hospital for cat...

One sleep to go...eye number 2

Well it's just 1 sleep to my second eye operation. My right eye is currently blind. All I can see is light and dark. But the amazing thing is that this time tomorrow I will have two eyes that can see. This is so overwhelming to know that this blind eye will be restored. I can't explain how excited I am to have two eyes working again. I praise God for the amazing doctors and nurses who help us every day. I thank God for the talents of those who work in our NHS to support and use those talents to heal those who are sick. I believe that even now, the night before my operation my God can completely restore my eyesight. But I also know that God told me in January that I must have the operations so I can share his love with those around me during my visits to hospital. My prayer tonight is that my surgeon will be blessed and feel the presence of God not just tomorrow but tonight. I pray for the nurses and the other staff on the surgical ward, that they would know the love of Christ, ...

Just over a week L8R...

  Well I have had my sight restored for exactly 11 days and I just want to say it's AWESOME! I can see people, my dog, things I used to bump into and even cars when I cross the road - it truly is a miracle. Anyway, I've been back to the hospital today for my other eye. I had to have a scan to check everything is ok before I have operation number 2. After a 2 hour wait in out-patients I finally had my scan. It was the weirdest thing ever. The consultant put some drops in my eye and then put some gel on the end of a strange looking probe. He then proceeded to scan my eye with the probe by touching my eye with it. It felt strange and my eye was covered in the gel. BUT the good news is... he didn't see anything bad, there is no tumour and so we are only dealing with a very thick cataract - PHEW! So what next? I have booked my eye test for 3 weeks time. This will test the sight in my now bionic eye. I already know it's going to be good as today I had a test at the hospita...


      It's been nearly a week since my operation and I still can't believe that I can actually see. I wake up each morning, open my eyes and there in front of me in glorious technicolour is the world before me.  I still have a long way to go as I am still completely blind in my right eye, which means a second operation. BUT...I am so chuffed, I am so blessed, I am so fortunate that I can see with my left eye - it truly is a miracle.              The difference in a week is unbelievable.  I've gone from being someone living in the dark, to someone living in the light. This reminds me of a story in the Bible of Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was a blind bagger who met with Jesus. Jesus heals him and he goes from a world of darkness to a world of light. But not only that, the first thing he sees is the face of Jesus. Imagine, the first thing you see in your life is the face of the Saviour smiling back at you. I kind of had that ...


Well it's been just under 24 hours since having my first surgery on my left eye. I can't believe it! It is so amazing! It's like Ive been walking around in a grey foggy world for months and all of a sudden I am now in Ultra HD. Colours around me pop!  I've attached this picture to today's blog because this is the picture that has shown me each week how bad my eyesight has been. This picture was bought for me by my friend. I love giraffes and so it's in my living room. As you can see it's colourful and bright and amazing. However every day prior to my operation I would look at my giraffe and only see a giraffe shape blob. I couldn't see his features, or even the colour, he was a horrible yellowy colour for the last few months. Yesterday, when I came home from the hospital I looked up and saw my giraffe and was blown away. I could see his face, I could see his colour - my giraffe was back in focus. I need to record how I feel so that when I look back on th...

1 MORE SLEEP - Blind and Blurry - What do I see?

RIGHT EYE             LEFT EYE (GOOD ONE) These are my eyes. They look normal to the naked eye, pardon the pun, but they are not. My right eye is blind and my left eye is foggy. This means that on a daily basis I have to navigate around the world through a constant blur. I want to write today as tomorrow I am having surgery on my good eye. The reason for my good eye being done first is so I can get a little normality back. To quote the surgeon, "quality of life".  I want to describe what I see now, so that when the surgery is done I can then describe the difference. So lets have a go... The screen I'm typing on is set to the biggest font possible. I'm even typing in heading mode so I can see it. It's still not clear writing though, in fact it is blurry. The font is meant to be white, but for me it looks more grey with fuzzy edges.  When I look around the room, I can see my picture on the wall of a giraffe. It's a great colourful picture that ...


So it's a really exciting week ahead. My first eye operation is set for this Thursday which is now just 5 sleeps away.  The last 7 months have been a mix of emotions. The joy of having a heart full of love for God and knowing he is with me The amazing friends I have who have supported me, cried with me and laughed with me - I will always be grateful for you all. Then there is the other side of the coin -  the heartache of not being able to see the faces of the children I work with; not being able to visit my family and see my beautiful baby great niece; take the dog for a walk; drive; see the telly; read a book...the list is endless and would fill this space. But nevertheless, the positive times outweigh the negative - and for this I praise God every day.  But today the reason for writing, is so I can look back after my operation and remember how far I've come. I need to remember that yesterday while at a funeral I couldn't see people's faces. If people didn't speak...