It's been nearly a week since my operation and I still can't believe that I can actually see. I wake up each morning, open my eyes and there in front of me in glorious technicolour is the world before me.
I still have a long way to go as I am still completely blind in my right eye, which means a second operation. BUT...I am so chuffed, I am so blessed, I am so fortunate that I can see with my left eye - it truly is a miracle.
The difference in a week is unbelievable.
I've gone from being someone living in the dark, to someone living in the light. This reminds me of a story in the Bible of Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus was a blind bagger who met with Jesus. Jesus heals him and he goes from a world of darkness to a world of light. But not only that, the first thing he sees is the face of Jesus. Imagine, the first thing you see in your life is the face of the Saviour smiling back at you. I kind of had that epiphany just after my operation - the first thing I saw on opening my eye was the face of the lovely nurse smiling back at me - it made me weep. It still makes me well up the thought of this moment, it will be something I will never forget.
The story of Bartimaeus is not just about a healing of sight though, it's about an encounter with God. When we encounter God we have to change. On meeting Jesus, he was changed forever! When we encounter the love of Jesus, we are never the same again. Over the last year I have encountered Jesus in a way that the visual me would never have imagined. I've found a love for the word and listening to the word that I never had before. In fact, over the last week I have continued to go for a walk so I can listen to the bible and hear God's voice as I have over the last year because I don't want to lose this feeling of awe. But not only can I listen to the word, I can now actually read it. In the last few days I've been able to actually pick up my bible and read it. How amazing is it to be able to hold the word of God in your hands, open it up and read what God has to say to you? I will never take for-granted these things ever again.
I know there is a long way to go, BUT...I am so thankful to God for his provision in my life. Without Jesus in my life, this past year would've been unbearable. Thank you God that you have been with me and held me up when I have been down.
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