One sleep to go...eye number 2

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Well it's just 1 sleep to my second eye operation. My right eye is currently blind. All I can see is light and dark. But the amazing thing is that this time tomorrow I will have two eyes that can see. This is so overwhelming to know that this blind eye will be restored. I can't explain how excited I am to have two eyes working again. I praise God for the amazing doctors and nurses who help us every day. I thank God for the talents of those who work in our NHS to support and use those talents to heal those who are sick.

I believe that even now, the night before my operation my God can completely restore my eyesight. But I also know that God told me in January that I must have the operations so I can share his love with those around me during my visits to hospital.

My prayer tonight is that my surgeon will be blessed and feel the presence of God not just tomorrow but tonight. I pray for the nurses and the other staff on the surgical ward, that they would know the love of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. God help me to share you with all those who I meet.


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