Just over a week L8R...

 Scientists Create a Bionic Eye for the First Time - Despatch

Well I have had my sight restored for exactly 11 days and I just want to say it's AWESOME! I can see people, my dog, things I used to bump into and even cars when I cross the road - it truly is a miracle.

Anyway, I've been back to the hospital today for my other eye. I had to have a scan to check everything is ok before I have operation number 2. After a 2 hour wait in out-patients I finally had my scan. It was the weirdest thing ever. The consultant put some drops in my eye and then put some gel on the end of a strange looking probe. He then proceeded to scan my eye with the probe by touching my eye with it. It felt strange and my eye was covered in the gel. BUT the good news is... he didn't see anything bad, there is no tumour and so we are only dealing with a very thick cataract - PHEW!

So what next? I have booked my eye test for 3 weeks time. This will test the sight in my now bionic eye. I already know it's going to be good as today I had a test at the hospital and could see all the lines except the bottom one without glasses - WOOHOO! Then after that I will just have to wait for the call for eye number 2 to have its bionicness installed. I can't wait!


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