So it's a really exciting week ahead. My first eye operation is set for this Thursday which is now just 5 sleeps away.  The last 7 months have been a mix of emotions. The joy of having a heart full of love for God and knowing he is with me The amazing friends I have who have supported me, cried with me and laughed with me - I will always be grateful for you all. Then there is the other side of the coin -  the heartache of not being able to see the faces of the children I work with; not being able to visit my family and see my beautiful baby great niece; take the dog for a walk; drive; see the telly; read a book...the list is endless and would fill this space. But nevertheless, the positive times outweigh the negative - and for this I praise God every day. 

But today the reason for writing, is so I can look back after my operation and remember how far I've come. I need to remember that yesterday while at a funeral I couldn't see people's faces. If people didn't speak, I often didn't know whose outline I was looking at. When this happens, it is really frustrating, it is scary as you feel so vulnerable and out of control. 

I need to remember the struggles, but also the wins. Learning how to navigate the world through a fog, learning to play canasta with some amazing friends, finding a love of going for a walk and listening to the bible through my giant headphones while I walk to work each day with my wheelie bag trailing behind me. Learning that God\s timing is not always my timing. My prayer for when I come out the other side is that I keep looking upward, holding onto the truth of God's word, while also understanding that we all have struggles and we can all help others with them. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me, especially Kate who has had to drive me to appointments, while also making sure that when I cross the road I don't walk in front of a car or lorry, she has read menus, signs and told me all the tennis scores as I listen to the matches without being able to see them on the screen. Thank you for everything. I'll see you Friday!


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